
This page is full of information that we compile over the year, useful to teams and parents alike!

 Engineering Notebook:

Presentation: follow these guidelines and delegate tasks.  EVERYONE should participate, EVERYONE is going to talk, EVERYONE needs to practice.  Please, please, please don’t use the same presentation for both teams.  Use the format but customize it based on your needs.

Guidelines: Here’s exactly what you need to know to make sure your notebook is competition-ready!

Tips from another team: They give you ideas on how to stand out and get awards.

Pro’s and Con’s of an electronic notebook


Forum: you can ask any question about your robot and the competition and see other responses from people going through the same thing you are!

Forum questions answered: this is a searchable PDF with all the current, relevant questions answered.

Parts List: this is a list of parts that are legal or illegal for the competition

Programming Resource: the links to all the programs you need to download to program your robot


Build the arena: feeling like donating time and resources to building a working model of our competition arena?  Here are some plans!


Team checklist: This is a great resource for making sure you’re following all the most important rules